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Feeding Your Pipes: How Your Daily Food Choices Impact Your Plumbing
Everything we do in life is interconnected, no matter how far-fetched it may seem at times. For instance, your food choices and how you prepare them can actually directly affect your home. And in particular, your plumbing system. From preparing your food, and cooking it, up to your disposal of
How to Prevent Frozen Pipes in Winter
It’s already late into the year and winter is fast approaching. And as much as winters in Washington State make it an ideal destination for people looking for some winter activities, there’s no denying that it can still get a bit too cold sometimes. With that being said, it’s always
The Importance of Emergency Plumbing
As a homeowner, there indeed have been many times when you find yourself dealing with unexpected emergencies and issues around the house. It may be something as small as a home decor breaking or as big as a major reconstruction of a portion of your home. Most times, you want
Why Regular Plumbing Maintenance Matters
You’ve probably had a few times in your life as a homeowner where you felt like setting aside a repair or service for your home was an option. This is totally understandable, given that some repairs or services are just too costly to be done on a regular basis. When
The Effects of Hard Water on Plumbing
We usually see water clear water coming out of our faucets. But did you know that there are actually a lot of tiny minerals that make up your tap water? When you open your faucet, water rich in calcium, magnesium, sulfur, and other hard minerals comes out flowing. This is
How to Jazz Up Your Bathroom
It’s always fun to host parties and have guests over at your place every once in a while. Nothing beats the feeling of having quality time with your friends and family while you catch up on each other’s lives. If you’re having friends and family over, especially for local events
Common Plumbing Problems At Home
Home plumbing emergencies can come in without any warning at all. Oftentimes, these problems seem to arise out of nowhere while you’re using your bathroom or while cleaning your kitchen. You don’t see any indications of a broken plumbing system or leaking fixtures until it’s all too late. Dealing with
Different Types of Pipes and Their Uses
Do you have a plumbing project you’d like to get started on but are not sure what material to use? This can be a common problem among homeowners, whether it be your first time owning a home in Washington State or you’re renovating your decade-old home. Knowledge of plumbing pipes
5 Back-to-School Plumbing Fixes
School season is fast approaching. And as you and your family go back to your usual morning rush, you just can’t afford to have any sort of problem get in the way. From having everyone’s lunch ready to ensuring your kids can get to school on time, everything morning should